Our Products

Finca Tierra Adentro

CHF 3.50

Sponsor the smallholder farm “Finca Tierra Adentro” for their contribution to CO2 storage in their cocoa crops, agroforestry systems and forest conservation.


Sponsor the smallholder farm “Finca Tierra Adentro” for their contribution to CO2 storage in their cocoa crops, agroforestry systems and forest conservation.

Omar de Jesus is Tierra adentro’s owner and has 61 years old. Daniel his son is currently helping him at the farm and also studying agronomics.

Tierra adentro per year is able to capture 9,08 tons of CO2 in only 1 hectare of 3 in total of cultivated surface of cacao.

It is not only a environmental contribution!

Smallholder farms can be included in impact markets

Sponsor environmental services to generate more opportunities for smallholder families:

• Income diversification

• Opportunities to thrive

• Promotes forest and watershed conservation

• Sustainable timber harvesting